Rollators: A Vital Mobility Aid To Keep You Moving
It goes without saying, that rollators are the perfect solution for people who are suffering from a long-term disability and loss of stamina and strength. Furthermore, a rollator can be described as standard walking equipment with wheels that helps individuals with some sort of mobility disorder to move about independently. Often referred to as rolling walkers, they allow you to move forward without the need to lift them up. Not to mention, rollators usually have extra features like a seat, wheels, basket, brake, etc. to provide maximum comfort and support. Besides, you can find a plethora of stores selling rollators and wheelchairs online.
Since rollators have wheels, you simply walk behind them and hold them for stability as you go. This will help you or a loved one move faster or maneuver better.
1. You can sit on them- One of the major benefits of rollators is that it has a seat that you can down in if you get tired. Furthermore, they are useful in public venues, such as shopping centers, allowing the user to take a respite from shopping and rest their feet.
2. Lightweight and portable- Rollators are specifically designed to be lightweight and portable, with almost all models being made out of lightweight aluminium and able to be folded up and placed conveniently in the back of a car.
3. Mobility- In addition to being lightweight and portable, rollators help you keep your balance without strenuous effort. You still have four legs to lean on, but the wheels allow you to move more quickly and smoothly than you could with a standard walker
4. Height adjustable- Another major benefit of rollators is the fact that they are height adjustable. This means that the user can adjust the item to match their comfort and stability needs. Whether the person is short, tall or somewhere in between, the rollator can be calibrated to the necessary proportion and unique needs of its user.
Whether you find it challenging to walk without overbalancing or need regular rest periods when travelling from place to place, a rollator can offer you some additional support to help you stay safe and confident on your feet.